Broad support for strictly regulating tracking ads

A unique cooperation of Members of European Parliament from liberals to the left side joined forces in amending the Digital Services Act (DSA) to put an end to pervasive tracking advertising. This proposal hurts tech giants Google, Facebook and Amazon who make billions of Euros every year by surreptitiously spying on all internet users. 

Tracking-free Ads Coalition co-initiator Paul Tang: “It’s time to put an end to a business model that harms our minors, privacy, advertisers and media publishers. Let’s bring an end to personal data driven advertising.”

The Tracking-free Ads Coalition, founded late January by 19 Members of the European Parliament, is a broad cross-party cooperation, which is unique in the European policy area. Members from S&D, Renew Europe, The Greens/EFA and The Left have all pledged to strictly regulate the collection and use of personal data for advertising services.

The Coalition is welcomed with a lot of support from over 25 non-governmental organisations, academics and private companies who joined forces in calling for an end to pervasive tracking advertising. Amongst them digital rights network EDRi, US NGO Accountable Tech, UK’s Global Action Plan, the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), and many others.

The news of this amendment links closely to the work of Tracking-free Ads Coalition supporter ICCL, which today announced litigation against IAB TechLab, the New York based organisation that sets the rules for the global online advertising industry. The legislative work of the Tracking-free Ads Coalition and the advocacy and litigation work of supporters such as the ICCL, strengthens each other in the fight against tracking ads. Tang: “We need to use all options available to protect our society for the opaque and harmful practices of big tech. Enforcement of the GDPR and ePrivacy are necessities, but we must not forget the way big tech tries to circumvent all our earlier efforts to regulate this sector.”

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